
Friday, June 13, 2008

humble beginnings...

The Parable of the mustard seed is for all Christians. A big tree grew from a small seed where birds made their nests. We are similar tot he mustard seed.

Who among us can say that we were already great when we were born? We all started small and dependent on someone else.

But because of the goodness of people and the kindness of of situations around us, we grew up and made something of ourselves.
We are like the mustard seed that started with a humble beginning, only to take its place in the world later on.

But even if the mustard seed has grown into a tree, it should first recognize its humble beginnings as the smallest of seeds.

What is the fate of those who do not recognize this? Jeremiah compares the ungrateful who refuses to remember their humble beginnings to a man who has not changed his undergarments for a year. He stinks!

Let us ask the Lord to protect us from being like that stinking person.
It is abominable to think ourselves as such stinking one!

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