St Paul in Colossians 2:11-13 makes a connection between Baptism and circumcision. Circumcision, given to eight-day-old boys, was the seal of teh covenant God made with Abraham, which applies to us also ( Gal 3:14, 29). It was a sign of repentance and future faith. (Rom 4:11). Infants were just as much a part of the covenant as adults (Gn 17:7; Dt 29:9-12, Mt 19:14).
In much the same fashion, Baptism is the seal of the New Covenant in Christ. It signifies and effects cleansing from sin, just as circumcision did.
Infants are saved from by God's grace just as adults are, only apart from theri rational and willful consent, with their parents acting on their bahalf.
Catholics believe that Baptism regenerates sinners, and takes away the punishment of original sin (1 Cor 15:22).
Titus 3:5 is one of the clearest of many verses indicating this:..."Because of His mercy, He saved us through the bath of rebirthand renewal of the Holy Spirit."
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