A friend told me that he came across one such ad online which said,
“Looking for: A pretty 30-year old lady, single, to be my wife. She must be a good cook. She must know how to clean the house, wash clothes, and sew. Most of all, she must be rich and must have a house and lot. P.S. It would matter a lot if she can send me a picture of the house and lot.”
That ad is not a marriage. That is business.
“Looking for: A pretty 30-year old lady, single, to be my wife. She must be a good cook. She must know how to clean the house, wash clothes, and sew. Most of all, she must be rich and must have a house and lot. P.S. It would matter a lot if she can send me a picture of the house and lot.”
That ad is not a marriage. That is business.
Some people enter into marriage because they are financially capable. That is why you come across young couples who say, “I will not get married because I do not have enough money.”
Some people get married to protect their political dynasties in their localities. They make sure they marry somebody who comes from the same political party, otherwise, they destroy the dynasty.
Some people get married to protect their political dynasties in their localities. They make sure they marry somebody who comes from the same political party, otherwise, they destroy the dynasty.
Some people get married in order to solve the problematic situation of pregnancy.
The Lord tells us today that all these reasons for getting married are wrong!
We must enter marriage for only one reason: that we are willing to be united and are willing to be considered one body, one heart, one soul.
It is striking that God compares His relationship to us to a marriage!
In the First Reading from the prophet Ezekiel, the Lord says we are like a pretty girl He has chosen to be His very own.
We are pretty not because of ourselves, but because God made us pretty and beautiful.
But the beautiful reality is this: That God got married to us not for political reasons, not for business deals, not because we are pregnant, not because God wants sex, but because God wants to give Himself to us.
What kind of marriage do we actually have with God?
Why do we go to Church? Is it because going to Church will assure us of blessings? That is called bribery not worship!
We are God’s spouses because we want to give something to God and that gift to God is ourselves.
Are you ready to renew your marriage with God, your Bridegroom?
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