
Saturday, April 19, 2008

a new monk is a blessing to a monastery...

Introducing our newest monk, Dom Dunstan...
He is from Canada and for quite sometime, he has been in contact with the monastery while doing his process of discernment. Finally, after a period of a year or two, he came to a decision to come over and start with his monastic formation as postulant of our monastery.

Dom Dunstan arrived in the last week of March this year and he was warmly welcomed by us with so much hope that he will persevere in his monastic vocation. In six months time, he will receive his Novitiate habit and scapular as well as a new monastic name.
So, dear reader, please include him in your prayers for his perseverance...

Dom Dunstan while taking part in a banquet during the Profession of Solemn Vows of two Vietnamese monks of our community.

Dom Dunstan with yours truly on his left and our 89 year-old German-American Claustral Oblate Dom Benedict on his right


Dom Dunstan with Dom Benedict

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