
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sufferings and joy…

Today is Tuesday of Holy Week. Let me talk about a short message about the Holy Season's significance. I will talk about the destruction of the temple and the plot to kill Jesus Himself.

This Holy Week, we will reflect on separation, destruction, pain, sufferings and death. We will reflect on the Cross.

What we’re trying to say is that pain is only a means to joy.

Death is only a means to life.

Our sufferings are only a means to our glory.

We cannot attain glory, we cannot attain Easter Sunday, we cannot attain joy, unless we are willing to die, to allow the temple of our bodies to be destroyed, to allow our pride to be broken down, so that the Lord can raise us up again.

This is also the story of our own lives.

Sometimes we can say, “I live in a valley of tears.”

Sometimes we complain to God, “Dear God, I did not live a single day when I didn’t cry. Dear God, I have not lived a day in my life when I was not troubled or hurt.”

And yet dear brothers and sisters, we know that because we are hurt, because we are pained, we, too, will rise again with the Lord.

Let us meditate on this reflection as we continue to remind ourselves of the Passion of Jesus our Savior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love ur post in gbex's blog (contrast in lifestyle).i really admire how you've change ur life. truly an inspiration to others.

thanks for sharing it! :D

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