
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Storms and tornadoes…

No one in his right mind wants to be in the middle of a storm--tossed and blown by the wind and drenched in rainwater. Just like no one in his right mind wishes to be in the thick of a problematic situation or in a manner of speaking, to have an emotional storm.

Yet, if we observe what happens when a storm is brewing almost always people go home and stay indoors. It is in these moments when people see the beauty of staying home, locking up in their private rooms either to sleep and rest or catch up with a special personal activity all day long. Sometimes, this is the only time available for us to clean up our desk or the closet. In short, we do not act as if we have to go out there and face the storm head on.

It is pretty much the case with our problems in life, the other type of storm that occasionally or frequently hit us. It is not a physical weather disturbance. It is the inner struggle that changes not only the climate of the soul but the disposition of the person afflicted and affected. In moments like this, the wise thing to do perhaps, is also to move interiorly or explore the area within. Be with the emotion that we are grappling with. It is time to soul search or introspect. It is time to ask ourselves not so much what the solution is to this problem or that. It is time to actually take stock of ourselves and stay with the pervading emotion. Once we pinpoint the feeling that is strongest or allow one to surface, it is easier to face the issue. The emotion will no longer have the properties of a hurricane or tornado that will create such havoc and destruction.

By being with the emotion, we will be in a better position to handle it. After owning the emotion, then we can even start to process it. It will entail a little hardship as we will actually go back and grasp the emotions as when the problem, trouble or trauma occurred in our past. The truth is, for as long as we cannot identify the devil, there is no way we can cast it out.

I remember an old friend and a swimming instructor, who gave me swimming lessons, once told me that when we are swimming in the ocean or sea and the big waves are constantly coming at us, hitting us directly, it is not wise for us to swim incessantly with all our might against the waves. It is too strong a force for us to fight, head on. We will run out of energy in no time. If we go just one foot below the level of the water where the waves are lapping wildly, we will find peaceful waters. We will be able to regain our strength, stamina and power. More importantly, we will be able to catch our breath which is something very basic but very crucial for us to continue with our swimming. All it takes is that going down, merely a foot below the raging waters to make such a difference.

That is what life is all about. There is no use fighting the waves. There is no use being angry like storms and tornadoes. Just look inside of you and grasp the feeling and emotion and just let it flow. Just go with the flow. You will discover later that there will be some sense of order that is restored within you.

As far as the problems and the emotional storms and tornadoes of our lives is concerned, it is no use fighting off every emotion of anger or hurt. All it takes is a look into ourselves and those emotions that can wreak havoc. Stay with it for awhile. Go inside our cozy private room, lest people may think we have already gone nuts, and try talking to ourselves and asking ourselves questions that will help us center. We must be quiet.
It is only in silence and in being alone that we reach that center where God is. It is called prayer, an undisturbed prayer. It is an encounter with God. It is here where we can lay our burdens before the Lord who promises to relieve us and give us rest. Probably, it is even in this quiet center where we will gather the strength to keep swimming against the tide if necessary and find out just how to go about tackling the problem at hand.

The storms usually do not linger for long. The sun does appear. If we give ourselves plenty of time to get centered, even the adjustment to the long absent sunshine will not pose too much of a problem. The interior fixing up will boost our energy.

Soon, we will radiate beauty, love and all that is positive. Soon, we will acquire healing from past pains and hurts inflicted to us by people and by our loved ones. Soon, we will end up with our deepest struggles from many a sleepless nights. Soon, we will find out that we will be ready to appreciate the morning sunshine, and the beauty of sunset when the day gets over. Soon, we will see that our sufferings and pains from past traumas, hurts, and pains will be eased.

God bless us all!

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