
Thursday, August 13, 2009

be good to yourself

By now, you may be feeling like you are doing everything wrong, and that you will never be able to change. I suggest you take some time to remind yourself that you are special because God created you. Compliment yourself, think about your good traits and accomplishments, and reward even small areas of improvement.

Remember, God loves you very much, no matter what your physical, or even spiritual condition is. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you are a child of God. Surely, your Heavenly Father wants to help you succeed. You are not alone.

If you have never invited Jesus Christ into your heart and life, I suggest you turn to Him and read the Bible.
The Bible will take you through the steps that will show you how to be saved. Once you do that, you'll find that all the guilt and condemnation about your habits and lifestyle will be washed away in God's mercy and love.

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