Few things in this earthly life are absolutely certain. The most un-debatable of these is death. Every man, even the atheist, will admit this much. Death, however, is not the very last event in this life of ours. Right after death, we shall be judged. Our private judgment will be repeated on the Day of Judgment, when all men will know us for what we are.
Our judgment will depend on how we live this earthly life of ours. If we have honestly done our best and followed the commandments of Christ, we shall be rewarded with the perfect life of Heaven. If, however, we have disregarded His loving directions and refused to make use of His generous help, we shall be condemned to - hell.
Death, judgment, Heaven, and hell – these are the four last things toward which we are moving each hour of the day and night. They will never frighten us if our conscience is clear. If we love God in our daily life, that is, if we are sincerely trying to know and follow His holy Will, we have no reason to fear.
By keeping this eternal goal ever before us, we shall think straight when life’s problems and difficulties face us. In making meditations of these four last things, we must strive to become eternity-minded. We must seek to guarantee to ourselves, as far as is in our power, the unending success and unmarred happiness of Heaven.
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