Though a man may disregard God’s holy commandments during his earthly life, he will have to account for them sooner or later. The greatest catastrophe which can befall a man is an unprovided death.
At present, he can help himself by admitting God’s truth and obeying His law. After death, however, he will no longer be able to save himself. Though he had a lifetime to take advantage of God’s love and mercy, he now faces God’s justice. The Divine Justice will reward him according to his earthly life, as he will go to Heaven or hell.
A spiritual man is one who seeks to make the best use of this brief earthly life. He seeks to live in such a way that he may never sacrifice his greatest success for smaller and less important successes. He strives to place first things first. Therefore, he endeavors to follow God’s holy Will in all things.
The first stage of a successful spiritual life consists of self-purification. Though self-purification is a life-long task, one in this stage of spiritual development makes it his outstanding daily goal. He strives to rid himself of all serious sins and any predominant venial faults which may lead to mortal sin.
A spiritual man is one who seeks to make the best use of this brief earthly life. He seeks to live in such a way that he may never sacrifice his greatest success for smaller and less important successes. He strives to place first things first. Therefore, he endeavors to follow God’s holy Will in all things.
The first stage of a successful spiritual life consists of self-purification. Though self-purification is a life-long task, one in this stage of spiritual development makes it his outstanding daily goal. He strives to rid himself of all serious sins and any predominant venial faults which may lead to mortal sin.
In so doing, he lays a foundation for virtues which he will later practice in a more positive manner, and not just as the opposites of his present faults.
Conversion is turning to god, whether it be for the first time or whether it be after a period of sluggish and half-hearted service. In the process of conversion, one must honestly strive to see himself as he really is – weak and selfish, but loved by God, and made for the eternal glory and happiness of Heaven.
Conversion is turning to god, whether it be for the first time or whether it be after a period of sluggish and half-hearted service. In the process of conversion, one must honestly strive to see himself as he really is – weak and selfish, but loved by God, and made for the eternal glory and happiness of Heaven.
Therefore, one must be deeply impressed with the true purpose of this earthly life, and do everything possible to make that purpose the main goal of his future actions.

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