Are you aware of the joy-stealing effect an unforgiving spirit is having on your life? If your bitterness is deep enough , you've virtually stopped living...
It's not worth it. you need to come to terms with this lingering, nagging issue now. the peace and contentment and joy that could be yours are draining away, like water down the drain of an unplugged bathub. It's time for you to call a halt to the dispute: the disharmony must be defused...
Start by telling God how much it hurts and that you need Him to tell you to forgive the offense... Get rid of all the poison of built-up anger and pour out all the acid of long-term resentment. Your objective is clear: Fully forgive the offender. Once that is done, you will discover that you no longer rehearse the ugly scenes in your mind. The revengeful desire to get back and get even will wane, and in its now-empty space will come such an outpouring of relief and a new spirit of joy that you won't feel like the same person anymore.
It's not worth it. you need to come to terms with this lingering, nagging issue now. the peace and contentment and joy that could be yours are draining away, like water down the drain of an unplugged bathub. It's time for you to call a halt to the dispute: the disharmony must be defused...
Start by telling God how much it hurts and that you need Him to tell you to forgive the offense... Get rid of all the poison of built-up anger and pour out all the acid of long-term resentment. Your objective is clear: Fully forgive the offender. Once that is done, you will discover that you no longer rehearse the ugly scenes in your mind. The revengeful desire to get back and get even will wane, and in its now-empty space will come such an outpouring of relief and a new spirit of joy that you won't feel like the same person anymore.

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