We often think that learning the art of giving is one of our biggest challenges. But giving is relatively easy. While the call to give may at times challenges our selfishness and our priorities, it seldom challenges us radically or deeply. For giving does not expose our own needs; it is a call for us to share that which we already have. It only calls us to generosity with compassion.
Learning the art of receiving, however is another matter. This calls us to honesty, openess and evaluation. Learning the art of receiving is thus a powerful call to change. For in receiving I need to welcome the other with the gifts that are offered.
Learning the art of receiving, however is another matter. This calls us to honesty, openess and evaluation. Learning the art of receiving is thus a powerful call to change. For in receiving I need to welcome the other with the gifts that are offered.
In receiving, I need to make room and space to accept that which I frequently fail to realize I need. And in recieving something is added to me that may bring about change and transformation.
Receiving Christ is something that I should welcome with an open heart and mind as He gives His Body and Blood with full of love and without any hesitation.
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