When money is our objective, we must live in fear of losing it, which makes us paranoid and suspicious.
When fame is our aim, we become competetive lest others upstage us, which makes us envious.
When power and influence drive us, we become self serving and strong willed, which makes us arrogant.
And when possessions become our god, we become materialistic, thinking enough is never enough, which makes us greedy.
All these pursuits fly in the face of contentment... and joy.
Only Christ can satisfy, whether we have or we don't have, whether we are known or unknown, whether we live or die... the pursuits of happiness is the cultivation of Christ-centered, Christ -controlled life.
When fame is our aim, we become competetive lest others upstage us, which makes us envious.
When power and influence drive us, we become self serving and strong willed, which makes us arrogant.
And when possessions become our god, we become materialistic, thinking enough is never enough, which makes us greedy.
All these pursuits fly in the face of contentment... and joy.
Only Christ can satisfy, whether we have or we don't have, whether we are known or unknown, whether we live or die... the pursuits of happiness is the cultivation of Christ-centered, Christ -controlled life.

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