God says, “My child, the man who esteems anything for itself alone, forgetting My goodness and love, will always be small and inferior like the things which he values.”
So, whatever does not help anyone to please God, has no true value in his life. Unless a man sees God in his daily life, he will sooner or later become discontented, wherever he is and wherever he turns. If any man tries to enjoy anything as though it were his alone, he will not have a lasting joy nor true freedom.
In many ways he will find himself tied down and shut off from God. He who thinks more of earthly things than he does of God, will find nothing but insecurity, trouble and sorrow. He may not realize it, but he is planning his own destruction.
Be it ever so little, if anything is loved and valued more than it deserves, it holds a man back from God, the Highest Good and it weakens his soul. Hence, the man who looks only for worldly satisfactions becomes blind to the loving presence of his Creator.
Therefore, the one who seeks only of pleasure, ease, honor, or profit is a worldly, that is, he lives only for this life. Gradually he becomes a slave of his earthly desires, so that he cannot even think of God. He will believe in Heaven too late – when he finds its gates forever closed to him

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